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Break Free

Life was never planned out to be easy, it just is the way it is.

When everything starts falling apart beneath your feet, when it's hard to breathe like you are drowning and there is a tight grasp trying to squeeze the life out of your heart and you ask yourself, "why me?" or, "this isn't fair", what you should be asking yourself is "why not me?" Times like these are thrown at as for a reason, from each defeat rises growth, a lesson for strength and opportunity. At the time the reason could be very well unknown to you but whether it's tomorrow, or ten years from now, it will be as clear as day. The more positive and open minded you are the faster it will come to you.

The problem with this day and age is everybody is impatient. They want it now, fast food just encourages this. What I have learned is that the best things come in time and the best things come after the storm.

When tragedy hits, whatever it may be, it leaves you with a broken spirit and/or a broken heart. These feelings are real. That right there is beautiful, that you can love someone so wholly, them be taken away from you and that missing piece leaves a black stain or shatters your heart. At least that's what it feels like to me. For some reason most of society is ashamed of expressing or showing this compassion, perhaps because it makes them feel too exposed and vulnerable.

The most important thing for healing is time and accepting and expressing those feelings you hold. It may be hard to bring up but talk about it, write it down, express it, whatever you need to but just do it! It may be hard, good that means its the right thing to do. I know firsthand what it feels like to build up feelings for so long that have a tight grip on my heart. I've suffered to this very day, like most people I imagine, so you are never alone. I've accepted how I feel and I tackle it everyday, because if I dont, later it will be unbearable.

So as life throws you around like a ragdoll, don't let it get away with your heart, stand up and take it like a woman/man and prove that from something ugly, flowers grow and the sun shines. Be patient and express exactly how it feels, let it out and then.. go grab a beer and run to the mountains!! You will be safer there, so why not? Might as well take some pain on our short time here on earth, it will only make the joy stronger and last longer after the storm.

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