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Build Your Garden

I recently watched a very powerful, life changing video, explaining a very simple principle that makes complete sense. Sowing and reaping, basically what you sow is what you will reap, simple as it gets. You plant an apple tree, you water it, you pick the weeds that want to devour it, and you allow the sun to shine upon it. As for your mind you plant and think positive things, things that make you happy. You may not even have any of these things, you may be broke, in debt, hating your job, hurting, suffering. Plant what you want in life and believe.

Cut down all the weeds of doubt, fear, shame, negative thoughts and allow your positive thoughts, hopes and dreams to grow into a fruitful tree.

Surround yourself with like minded people, people that believe in and love you - positive people.

Remove from your life people that bring you down.

Write down your goals and positive things and look at it everyday. If you fall, you get up 100 times and start again. What you give into the world is what you get back. What you think is what you will manifest.

Not long ago, I was diagnosed with severe scoliosis, causing tension, headaches, imbalance, difficulty breathing and seemingly never ending pain. As a runner, this felt like the world shutting me down. I chose to not let this weed manifest in my life. I have always said, "no pain, no gain," so here I put it to the test. I still run because that brings me happiness. Maybe surgery will be needed, and I'll be healing for nine months, but I accept it, I accept the process to get me to my dream. Never give up, always have hope, push through, stay strong, get up and tend to your dream garden. Some days are brutal, but they will never stop me from reaching my goals. I will be running 35 km by the end of this summer on my own. My journey will be to show you that you are limitless, regardless of what you may have or blocks in the road.

You are in charge of your life.

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